Monday, February 4, 2013

Learning as I Go

Well,  hopefully I now have my blog fixed where people can follow me on my blog. I really need some technical instructions. I want to get good at blogging and I want to learn to make videos and upload them to youtube. Ultimately, I would like to try to get on some design teams since that would be oh so helpful with  my current financial constraints. Any instructions or help would be awesome. I tried downloading a program meant to help me post videos on youtube. In downloading the program, I really messed up my computer and finally had to restore factory settings to get back on my computer. What lovely fun is that? Not much, however, learn and move on, right?

A personal note about myself, I am a Christian and believe in following Christ. That said, I don't want to push religion on anyone who chooses to read or follow my blog, however, I do intend to start sharing favorite scriptures with you on blog post. I pray this does not offend anyone but feel led to do so

My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindness. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
Psalms 103:2-3

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 2: Working out the kinks. Lol. Tried to invite friends on facebook to my blog but my self posted link didn't work. High five Darla, off to a great start. Lol. Want to know how to get liked on Facebook and followed on Pinterest too? Also want to know how to post the icon to subscribe to my blog on my blog page. Lol. I am such a greenhorn about these things but want very much to get the kinks worked out and get this all figured out and working well. Anyone who gets here and reads this who has information or suggestions, please let me know.

No crafting today, have felt under the weather, as it were. Tonight is a movie night with Twister on TV, love that movie.

Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done." C. S. Lewis